Introduction of pizza ovens

The rail pizza oven is the bottleneck of pizza cooking and all the preparation and preparation of pizza is on one side and cooking pizza with good quality and less time is on the other side.
If you use the best ingredients and the best chef, but the pizza oven is not suitable, all your efforts will be wasted. Therefore, you should pay maximum attention when choosing a pizza oven.

All over the world, pizza ovens are available in the following models:

  • Stone or fire brick pizza oven
  • Pizza oven or book oven
  • Rail or strip oven
  • Turn the oven

In the following, we will briefly introduce each one:

1) Stone or fire brick floor oven

This model of pizza oven can be considered the first and oldest version of pizza oven. When pizza first became popular in Italy, these ovens were used.

In the early examples of this oven, wood and firewood were used as a source of heat production. This oven was in the form of a chamber with a dome-shaped roof and its floor was also covered with stone. The heat from the environment surrounding the floor stone heated the stone itself and the dome-shaped arch.

Therefore, the bottom and top of the pizza were cooked well. It is worth noting that this pizza oven is only suitable for Italian pizza that has thin dough. In newer versions, the heat source of the oven became tubular burners that surround the oven.

A wooden or aluminum paddle should be used to place the pizza inside these ovens.

Disadvantages of this oven:

  • It takes up a lot of space in the shop.
  • It spreads a lot of heat in the environment.
  • They have limited cooking capacity.
  • It requires a skilled chef.

Advantages of this oven:

The taste and aroma of pizza and its ingredients are well preserved.
It has an attractive and attention-grabbing appearance for customers.

2) Pizza box or book oven

This pizza oven has exactly the same working mechanism as the brick oven.

with the difference that bricks and mortar are no longer used in its structure and are made by metals.

Another thing is that their heat source is gas.

Stones or bricks are placed on the bottom of these ovens, and a gas burner is placed under the stones or on the roof of the oven.

This category of pizza ovens has many more features than brick pizza ovens, which are as follows:

A) The possibility of digital temperature control due to the use of thermal sensors in the pizza oven
b) Occupying much less space in the kitchen
c) Cooking pizza faster

Disadvantages of this pizza oven:

It is only used for thin crust Italian pizzas.

3) Rail or strip oven or pizza tunnel

Among the newest and most popular pizza ovens in the market today, we can mention the Rail Pizza Oven.

In this example, the oven guides a pizza conveyor into the cooking cabin.

The pizza enters the cooking tunnel from one side, where the hot air is circulating inside. After the appropriate time (7-10 minutes) the cooked pizza comes out from the other side of the conveyor.

The temperature control in this pizza oven is done digitally.

Also, the speed of the conveyor belt, which determines the time the pizza is being cooked, is also controlled by digital control.

Advantages of this pizza oven:

Compared to the capacity of cooking pizza, it occupies less space in the kitchen.
They consume less gas and electricity.
They are very easy to work with.
It is possible to put 2 or 3 devices on top of each other.
It is possible to cook thin dough and thick dough pizza.

Disadvantages of this pizza oven:

When two different types of pizza want to be cooked together, it is necessary to adjust the oven temperature and speed more precisely.

4) Turn the oven

This oven, which is an upgraded model of the brick oven, is made of a metal body with rock wool insulation. The cooking pot is in the form of a cylinder, in the middle of which a rotating plate is placed.

The pizzas are placed with the dish on this rotating plate. A gas-electric burner is located under this rotating plate, which provides the heat required for cooking pizza.

Disadvantages of this pizza oven:

It takes up a lot of space in the kitchen.
It transfers a lot of heat to the outside.
They consume a lot of gas.
Cooking time for pizza in them is about 15 minutes.