8 tips to become a good waiter

One of the most important positions in restaurants is a waiter or waiter. In Persian, it can be called a waiter or even a waiter, but in general, the meaning of all of them is the same and they have the same duties, but the name waiter or waiter is mostly used for them.

Waiter: If we want to give a simple and smooth definition about a waiter, it can be said that he is the one who has the most interaction with the customer in the restaurant and guides him and makes the customer service unnecessary if needed.

Be exciting

You are the one who can suggest to the customer and make him feel passionate about the food you are looking for. If you cannot describe the food well in such a way as to show how delicious and tasty the food is, the customer will be indifferent to that food. and refuses to order it, so you must be able to make the customer enthusiastic about serving food with your speaking style.

Getting to know the restaurant menu or list of dishes and its features

One of the things that makes you look weak as a waiter is ignorance of the restaurant’s menu. In many cases, it happens that customers have questions about the food, or they may ask you to tell them about the food. Help them choose food and suggest them what food to choose so that it is perfect in all respects.

In restaurants, usually one or more types of food are tastier than other foods and they have more fans than the size of the food. so that you don’t look like an excellent and first class waiter.

be nice

Being good-looking is not inherent in beauty, it’s a smile on the face, that’s what the customer wants from you, and in addition to the taste of the food, it’s important for him to be friendly and treat him with kindness and openness, in fact, sometimes you’re nice The waiter will make your customer become a regular customer.

Be polite and respectful

Make eye contact, smile, open the front door with respect and prioritize the customer’s feelings and needs, speak respectfully and…

Serve calmly and accurately

There is no need for you to be in a hurry, because hurrying will cause you to not do your work well and the customer will also be annoyed by this.

Sometimes even hurrying causes a little bit of food to be spilled from the dish on the table and this is very unpleasant, so as a result, keep calm and calmly prepare the food table for the customer.

But you must be careful about what the customer needs and when he calls you to help him, you should answer him quickly and actually try to meet all his needs carefully.

Management !!

Yes, the management of each person, not only a waiter, but all people in any job must be able to manage their own work and prioritize their work and do each one at the right time, you must be able to handle management well. You should have customers, you should not delay them to eat, you should be careful, maybe one of the customers is in a hurry, you should serve your customers well without wasting time.

Group and team work

Usually, there is not only one waiter in every restaurant, but there is a team or a group of waiters who must work as a group and meet the customer’s needs. You waiters must be able to cover each other’s work well, for example, in the absence of a waiter. 1 Waiter 2 do his job and don’t let the customer delay.

In addition to the teamwork of the waiters with each other, each of the waiters should coordinate with the cooks and the head chef.

Cleaning and cleanliness

This is one of the cases where non-compliance will cause the customer to be dissatisfied with you and even complain to your supervisor.